COMET SPACE IT SERVICES LLC (the “Company”) and proposing to sell at varying price up to 1,000,000,00 tokens on TON & Solana Network through an Initial Token Sale or Token Generation Even (the “Token Sale”). The number of tokens to be sold, the contributor price per token and the other terms and conditions of the Token Sale will be determined by discussions between the Company and prospective contributor.
By accepting this White Paper, you acknowledge the receipt of any separate offering prospectus describing certain risks association with the Token Sale, and to have read and understand the same, if applicable (the “OP”). The tokens offered for sale in the Token Sale are speculative and involve a high degree of risk of loss the purchase price. The tokens have not been registered with or approved or disapproved by any securities or commodities regulator in any jurisdiction, nor has any regulatory authority passed on the accuracy or adequacy of the content of this White Paper or the OP. The Company expressly disclaims any representations to the contrary and have not authorized any third party to make in-kind representations.
This White Paper, and the accompanying OP, both independently and collectively, do not constitute an offer to sell to, or solicit from, any individual or entity residing in any jurisdiction where such an offer or solicitation of cryptographic tokens or other digital currencies are unlawful. The Token Sale is not being offered to any entities or individual from or in USA or US citizen and its also not offering to prohibited/banned by USA regulators or/and by all other countries regulators blocked person List. Each prospective contributor must comply with all laws and regulations applicable to it, and in force, in any jurisdiction in which the Company offers to the sell the tokens in the Token Sale, and such individuals must obtain any necessary consent, approval or permission required to be obtained to participate in the Token Sale where, under applicable law, it is so mandated. The Company shall bear no responsibility for any purchaser’s failure to adhere to all laws and regulations applicable to it and in force, during the Token Sale. There is list of prohibited & Restricted countries, whose citizen or resident cannot participate in it.
The Company’s outside advisors have opined as to the applicability of prevailing securities laws with respect to the Token Sale. In the event the tokens being sold in the Token Sale are deemed to be “securities,” the effect thereof may impair the rights, privileges and value of the tokens. Likewise, the application of such laws may restrict the scope of the Token Sale and enervate the Company’s ability to complete the Token Sale. The applicability of securities laws in any jurisdiction may also restrict the transferability and right of resale of the tokens. Moreover, changes in current laws and regulations in the jurisdictions where the Token Sale is occurring may further diminish the value of the tokens offered for sale in the Token Sale. The Company has not received any assurances or opinions regarding the future impact of changes in current laws and regulations.
Nothing contained in this White Paper or litepaper or any other accompanying document shall be interpreted as a promise or representation by the Company as to the past or future performance of the Company. Neither the White Paper nor the accompanying documents are intended to be all-inclusive or contain all the information that one may reasonably rely upon when making an informed decision to purchase the tokens offered in the Token Sale. Each recipient of this White Paper and/or accompanying documents is responsible for conducting their own due diligence and retaining such professionals necessary to assess the relative risks associated with the Token Sale as well as the applicability of all laws and regulations which may concern the Token Sale. The contents White Paper and/or accompanying documents do not constitute investment, legal or tax advice.
The information contained White Paper and/or accompanying documents is predicated upon certain assumptions of the Company, which are forward-looking in nature and thus are inherently uncertain. Moreover, the White Paper and/or accompanying documents includes information obtained from trade and other publications which has not been independently verified as to its accuracy. The Company maintains no obligation to update, alter or amend this White Paper or accompanying documents. Thus, unforeseen risks, uncertainties or other factors may cause actual results to vary wildly from anticipated results or the expected results of any prospective purchaser.
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